intersection energy technology
intersection energy technology
CES2021-044 intersection energy technology.mp4
ENPO stack
Our AI energy storage device is a full package services including software, hardware, AI and IoT. Through it users can upgrade their homes to smart homes. The service will automatically adjust the energy storage capacity to avoid power outage and improve the electric experience. In addition, this is the first time that consumers interact with the utility grid so that users can become distrbution energy resource. Electricity management and interaction will be disrupted services in the future. Utilitt companies can also reduce the cost of power grid construction ,operation and maintenanceBy providing ENPO stack to utility companies and demand users, and providing remote software monitoring services, assisting utility companies and demand users to obtain cheaper electricity costs in the electricity trade market, as well as for solar systems that FIT contract is finish, help store solar system storage system
Smart Cities
Smart Home
intersection energy technology
Our products assist Utilities in power leveling, green energy diversification, and improved customer experience. Our energy management technology can not only avoid power outage but also automatically adjust the energy usage capacity to extend longer life cycles.