2023 Golden Pin Design Exhibition “3D Vein Viewer Locator”
2023 金點設計展 超維增生
針對今年得獎作品的展示,除適應各展間空間增生的架構,也提出關鍵字作為觀展索引,01線性增生展間 ,以 #未來遷徙 及 #人機共創 為主軸,線性元素帶出方向與位移感,承載當代移動及各領域智能協作的設計作品;02展間在空間中開啟各式大小的對話框,強調 #跨維對話 ,結合靜態及動態方式,展示由視覺傳達到空間設計,而整合設計則能完全體現跨維對話的具體成果;04展間的桌面增生突顯由台灣本土元素、地景、或結合產業轉型 #在地增生 的巧思,#超維風格 的產品則勾勒出著令人嚮往的未來生活場景;#永續質感 作為當代核心價值穿插出現在個展間之中,提倡永續也能成為美與質感的表現。
贊助單位 |Monotype 、南港老爺行旅
Inspiration flows within a multi-dimensional consciousness, connecting and igniting the wellspring of creativity, then transcending the constraints of 1D frameworks and paradigms in an everlasting evolution that sculpts a brand-new entity.
The 2023 Golden Pin Design Exhibition proceeds with the key visuals of its award ceremony, “Superload,” to unveil the diversity and boundless creative explosions within contemporary design. Its curatorial theme “Super-Dimensional Proliferation” incorporates the 3 elements of line, surface, and volume into a seamlessly blend of abstract spaces. This prompts viewers to let their imagination wander between the virtual reality and the physical world with a heavy focus on viewing and understanding different perspectives. It underscores the notion that creativity constantly unearths new opportunities through the intersection of imaginative dimensions and communication.
To exhibit this year’s award-winning works, we adapted to expansive spaces and provided keywords as indicators. In Room 01 Linear Proliferation with primary themes #FutureMigration and #HumanMachineCollaboration, linear elements enhance direction and a sense of motion, showcasing contemporary designs centered on mobility and interdisciplinary smart collaborations. In Room 02, conversation boxes of varying sizes is laid out to emphasize #Cross-DimensionalDialogue. This blend of static and dynamic presentations bridges the gap between visual and spatial design, while integrating tangible forms of interdimensional exchanges. In Room 04, the focus shifts to desktop #LocalProliferation, highlighting ingenious concepts that incorporate elements, landscapes, or industrial transformations. #Super-DimensionalStyle products illustrate an enticing vision of living scenarios. The theme of #SustainableQuality is seamlessly woven into each exhibition space, proposing sustainability as a manifestation of beauty and quality within contemporary values.
Organizer|Industrial Development Administration (IDA), MOEA
Implementer|Taiwan Design Research Institute (TDRI)
Graphic Design|Yang Shi-Ching
Extend visual design
Sponsor|Monotype, The Place Taipei
設計說明: CLBCU的「CLB」命名靈感來自蜂鳥的義大利文「COLOBRI」,C代表CROSSOVER跨界,U則代表UNIQUE獨特的意涵,延伸出時下女性市場產品的多元樣貌與獨特魅力。整車造型意象以「蜂鳥」為核心,運用仿生設計,將蜂鳥的輕巧、精實樣貌定調出車身俐落的體態,透過極簡的幾何面形構成,塑造出不具風格的簡約,來成為符合車主穿著百搭的必要條件。在機能考量上為女性騎行的安全設想,設計出「旋轉式膠囊型後照鏡」,不僅增大照射面積提升安全感,在駐車後也可整理妝髮增加貼心感;加上輕易放入20吋行李箱的置腳空間,多種巧思皆是讓車主體驗到,CLBCU是一台外型及機能兼具的女性車款。
3D 靜脈定位儀
申請公司: 亞帝昇生醫科技股份有限公司
設計說明: 手背靜脈注射而設計。在缺乏顯影技術的情形下靜脈注射容易刺破血管造成浸潤情形,且老人、深膚色者、體脂較高者與嬰兒較難肉眼辨識靜脈位置而難以施打。根據研究,給予顯影技術輔助的靜脈注射,一次注射成功的機率由81%大幅提升到94%,有助於改善醫療品質與醫病關係。
Intravenous therapy (IV) works quickly and is often used for shock and severe trauma. For this reason, PIVC (Peripheral Intravenous Catheter) is required for up to 70% of emergency cases.
More than 30% of adults and up to 50% of children requiring a PIVC are found to have DIVA (difficult intravenous access). Among them, small veins located beneath the thick subcutaneous fat in infants aged 6 to 10 months pose the greatest challenge.). In neonatal and pediatric patients, the first-attempt success rate is less than 35%.if the intravenous injection is not done properly, it may cause extravasation, resulting in skin loss and swelling, which may lead to amputation in severe cases. Therefore, we have started developing this product, which, compared to its competitors, can provide clearer visualization of the small veins beneath thick subcutaneous fat. It caters to both general patients and the most challenging population, including infants aged 6-10 months, who are difficult to administer injections to. This product aims to assist healthcare professionals in identifying the most suitable veins for injection.
Furthermore, through journal publications and research analysis, we have designed a user interface that aligns with healthcare professionals' familiar needle insertion positions. This interface ensures that the vein and skin are parallel, reducing resistance during the puncture process and the probability of vessel displacement due to loose skin. Compared to competitors, this design improves the first-attempt success rate by 13%, reaching an impressive 94%.
This product is suitable for both emergency and hospital use. It features a flip design on the screen, allowing for adjustable viewing angles to accommodate different field settings.
世界上90%兒童玩具為塑料製成,其中有80%的玩具最終會進入垃圾掩埋場、焚化爐或海洋;20%被回收。而在這20%被玩具圖書館回收的玩具中,扣除玩具醫生可修復整理的數量,仍有兩成玩具高度損毀,無法修復成正常使用 的玩具。 希望將無法復原的塑膠玩具再製成為新的產品,避免因現有塑膠回收體系 不完整、利潤低等原因,而使分類好的塑料再次淪為一般垃圾被焚化或掩埋。
2023 Golden Pin Design Exhibition Area 1